Camera Network Research Group

Papers for presentation - Spring 2009

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Background of Geometric Invariants

  • Peter Olver's Papers, Many references on moving frames and invariants are available here.
  • [Olver04] Olver, P.J., An introduction to moving frames, in: Geometry, Integrability and Quantization; vol. 5, I.M. Mladenov and A.C. Hirschfeld, eds., Softex, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2004, pp. 67-80.
  • [olver05] UW-Madison Face Recognition Group Publications.

Camera Sensor Network Information and Signal Processing

  • [albu06] Albu, A.B.; Laurendeau, D.; Comtois, S.; Ouellet, D.; Hebert, P.; Zaccarin, A.; Parizeau, M.; Bergevin, R.; Maldague, X.; Drouin, R.; Drouin, S.; Martel-Brisson, N.; Jean, F.; Torresan, H.; Gagnon, L.; Laliberte, F.; "MONNET: Monitoring Pedestrians with a Network of Loosely-Coupled Cameras", Proc. ICPR 2006, Vol. 4, 20-24 Aug. 2006, Page(s):924 - 928.
  • [Ellis02] T. Ellis, "Multi-camera video surveillance," Proc. Int'l Conf. Security Technology, 2002, pp. 228-233.
  • [Funiak06] Funiak, S.; Guestrin, C.; Paskin, M.; Sukthankar, R., "Distributed localization of networked cameras", Proc. IPSN'06, Page(s): 34- 42.
  • [Erdem05] Erdem, U.M.; Sclaroff, S.; "Look there! Predicting where to look for motion in an active camera network," Proc. Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS 2005) Sept. 15-16, 2005, Page(s):105 - 110.
  • [detmold06] Detmold, H.; Dick, A.; Falkner, K.; Munro, D.S.; van den Hengel, A.; Morrison, R.; "Scalable Surveillance Software Architecture," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2006. AVSS '06. Nov. 2006 Page(s):103 - 108.
  • [detmold07] Detmold, H.; van den Hengel, A.; Dick, A.; Cichowski, A.; Hill, R.; Kocadag, E.; Falkner, K.; Munro, D.S.; "Topology Estimation for Thousand-Camera Surveillance Networks," Proc. First ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC '07). 25-28 Sept. 2007 Vienna, Austria, Page(s):195 - 202.
  • [Arth07] Arth, C.; Leistner, C.; Bischof, H. "Object Reacquisition and Tracking in Large-Scale Smart Camera Networks," Proc. First ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC '07). 25-28 Sept. 2007 Vienna, Austria, Page(s): 156-163
  • [Ko07] Ko, T.; Charbiwala, Z.M.; Ahmadian, S.; Rahimi, M.; Srivastava, M.B.; Soatto, S.; Estrin, D. "Exploring Tradeoffs in Accuracy, Energy and Latency of Scale Invariant Feature Transform in Wireless Camera Networks," Proc. First ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC '07). 25-28 Sept. 2007 Vienna, Austria, Page(s): 313-320.
  • [hengel06] Anton van den Hengel and Anthony Dick and Rhys Hill, "Activity Topology Estimation for Large Networks of Cameras," Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. on Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS'06), Washington, DC, USA, 2006, pp. 44-

Papers from CVPR08

  • View-Invariant Action Recognition Using Fundamental Ratios

    Using Circular Statistics for Trajectory Shape Analysis

    [sommerlade08.pdf] Information-theoretic Active Scene Exploration

    An Adaptive Learning Method for Target Tracking across Multiple Cameras

    Multi-Object Shape Estimation and Tracking from Silhouette Cues

    [christoudias08]  Unsupervised Feature Selection via Distributed Coding for Multi-view Object

    Detecting Multiple Moving Objects in Crowded Environments with Coherent
    Motion Regions

    3D Model Matching with Viewpoint-Invariant Patches

    [turaga08.pdf] Statistical analysis on Stiefel and Grassmann Manifolds with
    applications in Computer Vision


 Papers from ICDSC08

·        “Global trajectory reconstruction from distributed visual sensors,” Kayumbi, G.; Anjum, N.; Cavallaro, A.

·        “DMCtrac: Distributed multi camera tracking,” Hoffmann, M.; Wittke, M.; Bernard, Y.; Soleymani, R.; Hahner, J.

·        “Person re-identification in multi-camera system by signature based on interest point descriptors collected on short video sequences,”  Hamdoun, O.; Moutarde, F.; Stanciulescu, B.; Steux, B.

·        “Probabilistic camera hand-off for visual surveillance,”  Jiman Kim; Daijin Kim

·        “VISNET: A distributed vision testbed,”  Quinn, M.; Mudumbai, R.; Kuo, T.; Zefeng Ni; De Leo, C.; Manjunath, B.S.

·        “Image matching robust to changes in imaging conditions with a car-mounted Camera,”  Enami, N.; Ukita, N.; Kidode, M.

·        “An efficient algorithm for the extraction of contours and curvature scale space on SIMD-powered Smart Cameras,”  Shin, P.J.; Xinting Gao; Kleihorst, R.; Park, J.; Kak, A.C.

·        “Utility-based dynamic camera assignment and hand-off in a video network,”  Yiming Li; Bhanu, B.

·        “Decentralized camera network control using game theory,”  Bi Song; Soto, C.; Roy-Chowdhury, A.K.; Farrell, J.A.

·        “Multi-person tracking from sparse 3D trajectories in a camera sensor network,” Heath, K.; Guibas, L.

·        “ViHASi: Virtual human action silhouette data for the performance evaluation of silhouette-based action recognition methods,” Ragheb, H.; Velastin, S.; Remagnino, P.; Ellis, T.

·        “Content-aware ranking of video segments,” Daniyal, F.; Taj, M.; Cavallaro, A.

 Papers from IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, issue 4, 2008

·        “Distributed Object Tracking Using a Cluster-Based Kalman Filter in Wireless Camera Networks,” Medeiros, H.; Park, J.; Kak, A.

·        Optimal Camera Network Configurations for Visual Tagging,” Jian Zhao; Sen-Ching Cheung; Thinh Nguyen

·        Spatial Partitioning in Self-Organizing Smart Camera Systems,” Hoffmann, M.; Wittke, M.; Hahner, J.; Muller-Schloer, C.

·        Lightweight People Counting and Localizing for Easily Deployable Indoors WSNs,” Teixeira, T.; Savvides, A.

·        Target Detection and Tracking With Heterogeneous Sensors,” Huiyu Zhou; Taj, M.; Cavallaro, A.

·        A Visible/Infrared Fusion Algorithm for Distributed Smart Cameras,” Cheng-Yao Chen; Tai-Ming Lin; Wolf, W.H.

·        Energy-Aware High Resolution Image Acquisition via Heterogeneous Image Sensors,” Hyungjin Kim; Rahimi, M.; Dong-U Lee; Estrin, D.; Villasenor, J.D.

·        Distributed Multilevel Data Fusion for Networked Embedded Systems,” Klausner, A.; Tengg, A.; Rinner, B.

·        Exploitation of Interframe Redundancy for Real-Time Volumetric Reconstruction of Arbitrary Shapes,” Ruiz, D.; Macq, B.

·        Detecting Dominant Motions in Dense Crowds,” Cheriyadat, A.M.; Radke, R.J.

·        Robust Tracking in A Camera Network: A Multi-Objective Optimization Framework,” Bi Song; Roy-Chowdhury, A.K.

·        Active Multicamera Networks: From Rendering to Surveillance,” Stancil, B.A.; Cha Zhang; Tsuhan Chen

 Red color indicates papers already presented.

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