New Projective Invariant for Camera
Network References
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Background materials in Computer Vision
CS 766 Computer Vision lecture notes by Prof. Dyer.
- [Szeliski04]
Richard Szeliski, "Acquiring Detailed 3D Models From Images and
Video," Tutorial given in 2004 Neural Information Processing
Symposium. Presentation
- Yi Ma, S. Soatto, J. Kosecka,
and S. S. Sastry, Invitation to 3-D vision : from images to geometric
models, Springer, NY,
NY, 2004. Available at Wendt
Library Reserve Collection, 2nd Floor Call Number: TA1634 A5 2004
- [zhang98]
Zhengyou Zhang, "Determining the Epipolar Geometry and its
Uncertainty: A Review," Int'l J. Computer Vision, Vol. 27, no.
2, pp. 161-198, 1998.
Background of Geometric Invariants
- Peter Olver's Papers,
Many references on moving frames and invariants are available here.
- [Calabi98] Calabi,
E., Olver, P.J., Shakiban, C., Tannenbaum, A., and Haker, S., Differential
and numerically invariant signature curves applied to object recognition,
Int. J. Computer Vision 26 (1998) 107-135.
- [Olver01a] Olver,
P.J., Moving frames: a brief survey, in: Symmetry and Perturbation Theory,
D. Bambusi, M. Cadoni and G. Gaeta, eds., World Scientific, Singapore,
2001, pp. 143-150.
- [Olver01b] Olver,
P.J., Moving frames --- in geometry, algebra, computer vision, and
numerical analysis, in: Foundations of Computational Mathematics, R.
DeVore, A. Iserles and E. Suli, eds., London Math. Soc. Lecture Note
Series, vol. 284, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001, pp. 267-297.
- [Olver04] Olver, P.J., An
introduction to moving frames, in: Geometry, Integrability and
Quantization; vol. 5, I.M. Mladenov and A.C. Hirschfeld, eds., Softex,
Sofia, Bulgaria, 2004, pp. 67-80.
- [olver05] Olver,
P.J., A survey of moving frames, in: Computer Algebra and Geometric
Algebra with Applications, Li, H., Olver, P.J., Sommer, G., eds., Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3519, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005, pp.
- [weiss93] Weiss, I., “Geometric invariants and object recognition,” International
Journal of Computer Vision, 1993, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 207 – 231.
Background in Wireless Sensor Network
- Archana
Bharathidasan's Sensor Network page
- I.F. Akyildiz, W. Su*, Y.
Sankarasubramaniam, E. Cayirci, "
Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey", Computer Networks, vol. 38,
pp. 393-422, 2002.
- [ahmed04]
Ayed Ahmed and M. Rasit Eskicioglu, Technical Report TR-01-06/04, June
2004, Telecommunication Research Labs, Winnipeg, Manitoba,
- [Blumenthal]
Jan Blumenthal, Matthias Handy, Frank Golatowski, Marc Haase, Dirk
Timmermann, "Wireless Sensor Networks - New Challenges in Software
Projective Invariants
- [Astrom95]
K. Astrom, “Fundamental limitations on projective invariants of planar
curves,” IEEE Trans. PAMI, vol. 17, pp. 77-81, 1995.
- [Marhic98]
B. M. Marhic, El.M.; Pegard, C., “A localisation method with an
omnidirectional vision sensor using projective invariant,” Proc. Int'l
conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems, 1998, pp. 1078-1083.
- [Roh97]
K. S. Roh, Wang Heon Lee, and In So Kweon, “Obstacle detection and
self-localization without camera calibration using projective invariants,”
Proc. Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'97), 1997, pp. 1030-1035.
- [Shashua93]
A. Shashua, “A geometric invariant for visual recognition and 3D
reconstruction from two perspective/orthographic views,” Proc. IEEE
workshop on Qualitative Visision, 1993, pp. 107-117.
- [Tsonis98]
V. S. Tsonis, K.V. Chandrinos; Trahanias, P.E., “Landmark-based navigation
using projective invariants,” Proc. Int'l conf. Intelligent Robots and
Systems, 1998, pp. 342-347.
- [Velipasalar05]
S. W. Velipasalar, W., “Frame-level
temporal calibration of video sequences from unsynchronized cameras by
using projective invariants,” Proc. Advanced Video Signal-based
Surveillance (AVSS'05), 2005, pp. 462-467.
Multi-Camera, Multi-view Calibration
- [Baker00]
P. Baker, and Yiannis Aloimonos,, “Complete Calibration of a Multi-camera
Network,” Proc. IEEE Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision (OMNIVIS'00),
2000, pp. 134.
- [Chen03]
X. Chen, Jie Yang, and A. Waibel, “Calibration of a hybrid camera
network,” Proc. Int'l Conf. Computer Vision (ICCV'03), 2003, pp. 150-155.
- [chen06]
I.-H. Chen, and Sheng-Jyh Wang, “Efficient Vision-Based Calibration for
Visual Surveillance Systems with Multiple PTZ Cameras,” Proc. Int'l Conf.
Computer Vision Systems (ICVS'06), 2006.
- [Izo04]
T. G. Izo, W.E.L., “Simultaneous Pose Estimation and Camera Calibration
from Multiple Views,” Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Workshop (CVPRW'04), 2004.
- [Koterba05]
S. B. Koterba, S.; Matthews, I.; Changbo Hu; Jing Xiao; Cohn, J.; Kanade,
T., “Multi-view AAM fitting and camera calibration,” Prof. Int'l Conf.
Computer Vision (ICCV'05), 2005, pp. 511-518.
- [Porikli03]
F. D. Porikli, A., “Multi-camera calibration, object tracking and query
generation,” Proc. Int'l Conf. Multimedia and Expo (ICME'03), 2003, pp.
- [Rekleitis05]
Rekleitis, I., and G. Dudek, “Automated
calibration of a camera sensor network,” Proc. Intelligent Robots and
Systems (IROS'05), 2005, pp. 3384-3389.
- [Sinha04]
S. N. Sinha, M. Pollefeys, and McMillan, L., “Camera network calibration
from dynamic silhouettes,” Proc. IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (CVPR'04), 2004, pp. 195-202.
- [Sinha05]
S. N. Sinha, and Pollefeys, M., “Synchronization and calibration of a
camera network for 3D event reconstruction from live video,” Proc.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'05), 2005, pp. 1196.
- [Tsui97]
H. T. Tsui; Zhang, Z.Y.; Kong, S.H., “Feature tracking from an image
sequence using geometric invariants,” Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (CVPR'97), 1997, pp. 244-249.
- [Unal04]
G. Unal, and Yezzi, A., “A variational approach to problems in calibration
of multiple cameras,” Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
(CVPR'04), 2004, pp. 172-178.
- [Yamazoe06]
H. Yamazoe, Utsumi, A., and S. Abe, “Multiple Camera Calibration with
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Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06), 2006, pp. 960-963.
- [Ying04]
X. Ying , and Zhanyi Hu, “Catadioptric camera calibration using geometric
invariants,” IEEE Trans. PAMI, vol. 26, pp. 1260-1271, 2004.
- [valera05]
M. Valera and S. A. Velastin, "Intelligent distributed Surveillance
systems: A Review," IEE Proceedings: Vision, Image and Signal
Processing vol. 152, no. 2, pp. 192-204, April 2005.
Camera Sensor Network Information and Signal Processing
- [albu06]
Albu, A.B.; Laurendeau, D.; Comtois, S.; Ouellet, D.; Hebert, P.;
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Drouin, S.; Martel-Brisson, N.; Jean, F.; Torresan, H.; Gagnon, L.;
Laliberte, F.; "MONNET: Monitoring Pedestrians with a Network of
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P. T. Chippendale, F., "Collective calibration of active camera groups,"
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- [Ellis02]
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- [Erdem05]
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Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS 2005) Sept. 15-16, 2005, Page(s):105 -
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Fleck, Sven; Busch, Florian; Biber, Peter; Strasser, Wolfgang, "3D
surveillance - A distributed network of smart cameras for real-time
tracking and its visualization in 3D" Proc. 2006 Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, June 17-22, 2006.
- [Gehrig06]
N. Gehrig, and Dragotti, P.L., "Distributed sampling and compression
of scenes with finite rate of innovation in camera sensor networks,"
Proc. Data Compression Conf. (DCC'06), 2006, pp. 83-92.
- [park06]
Park, U.; Jain, A.K.; Kitahara, I.; Kogure,
K.; Hagita, N., "ViSE: Visual search engine using multiple networked
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Piva, S.; Calbi, A.; Angiati, D.; Regazzoni, C.S.; "A multi-feature
object association framework for overlapped field of view multi-camera
video surveillance systems," Proc. Advanced Video and Signal Based
Surveillance (AVSS 2005), Sept. 15-16, 2005, Page(s):505 - 510.
- [detmold06]
Detmold, H.; Dick, A.; Falkner, K.; Munro, D.S.; van den Hengel, A.;
Morrison, R.; "Scalable Surveillance Software Architecture," Proc.
IEEE International Conference on Video and Signal Based Surveillance,
2006. AVSS '06. Nov. 2006 Page(s):103 - 108.
- [detmold07]
Detmold, H.; van den Hengel, A.; Dick, A.; Cichowski, A.; Hill, R.;
Kocadag, E.; Falkner, K.; Munro, D.S.; "Topology Estimation for
Thousand-Camera Surveillance Networks," Proc. First ACM/IEEE
International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC '07).
25-28 Sept. 2007 Vienna,
Page(s):195 - 202.
- [Rieffel07]
Rieffel, E.G.; Girgensohn, A.; Kimber, D.; Chen, T.; Qiong Liu,
"Geometric Tools for Multicamera Surveillance Systems," Proc.
First ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras
(ICDSC '07). 25-28 Sept. 2007 Vienna,
Page(s): 132-139
- [Mustafah07]
Mustafah, Y.M.; Azman, A.W.; Bigdeli, A.; Lovell, B.C. "An Automated
Face Recognition System for Intelligence Surveillance: Smart Camera
Recognizing Faces in the Crowd," Proc. First ACM/IEEE
International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC '07).
25-28 Sept. 2007 Vienna,
Page(s): 147-152
- [Arth07]
Arth, C.; Leistner, C.; Bischof, H. "Object Reacquisition and
Tracking in Large-Scale Smart Camera Networks," Proc. First
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC
'07). 25-28 Sept. 2007 Vienna,
Page(s): 156-163
- [Ko07]
Ko, T.; Charbiwala, Z.M.; Ahmadian, S.; Rahimi, M.; Srivastava, M.B.;
Soatto, S.; Estrin, D. "Exploring Tradeoffs in Accuracy, Energy and
Latency of Scale Invariant Feature Transform in Wireless Camera
Networks," Proc. First ACM/IEEE International Conference on
Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC '07). 25-28 Sept. 2007 Vienna, Austria, Page(s): 313-320.
- [Morhee07]
Morhee, M.; Tessens, L.; Luong, H.Q.; Prades-Nebot, J.; Pizurica, A.;
Philips, W. "A Distributed Coding-Based Content-Aware Multi-View
Video System," Proc. First ACM/IEEE International Conference on
Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC '07). 25-28 Sept. 2007 Vienna, Austria, Page(s): 355-362
- [hengel06]
Anton van den Hengel and Anthony Dick and Rhys Hill, "Activity
Topology Estimation for Large Networks of Cameras," Proc. IEEE
Int'l Conf. on Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS'06), Washington, DC,
USA, 2006,
pp. 44-
Links to work and demos on using SIFT features for the PhotoTourism project:
- [Photo_Tourism]
Noah Snavely, Steven M. Seitz, Richard Szeliski, "Photo tourism:
Exploring photo collections in 3D," ACM Transactions on Graphics
(SIGGRAPH Proceedings), 25(3), 2006, 835-846. (Presentation)
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